Coming May 13th

Mark your calendars! May 13th marks the release date of Betrayed in the Wild.

Thanks to the expertise of two outstanding editors, the manuscript is finally polished to perfection. I couldn't be happier with the final result and can't wait to share it with everyone.

This week, I've focused on perfecting the formatting. Fingers crossed, everything should be in order. I've already uploaded the doc to Amazon and Ingramspark and Iā€™m anxiously awaiting the proofs to see what they look like. While everything appeared flawless on my laptop, the true test will be when I hold a physical copy in my hands.

In addition, I've secured my ISBN! There's something about obtaining it and then setting the release date that makes everything feel tangible and real.

Once the printing details are confirmed, I'll be opening up the book for pre-release! The anticipation is building, and I can hardly contain my excitement!


Early Access


I started a publishing company